Friday, October 16, 2015

Ingredients to Look for in a Pre-Workout Drink

It's a good thing I read this article before I just drank my pre-workout! Check it out!!74

It can be hard to get motivated to work out. We have all said this before… “I just don’t feel like it.” That’s where a Pre-Workout Drink can help, but finding the right one is important. The biggest question is the Ingredients to Look For in a Pre-Workout Drink.
Knowing the Ingredients to Look for in a Pre-Workout Drink will help you pick a pre-workout supplement correctly formulated to get you up and running, both literally and figuratively. You want just the right amount of lift to enhance performance and delay muscle fatigue, but not crash an hour after your workout.
Member Confession
Pre-Workout Drinks are intended for use within 30 minutes prior to exercise. The top Pre-Workout Drink Energize was designed with that time science and the best ingredients at its core. The three natural ingredients of this superior supplement are low dose caffeine, beta-alanine, and quercetin.


Definitely look for Caffeine on the list for ingredients in a pre-workout drink, but not just any caffeine at any dose. To enhance performance with improved reaction time, mental acuity, and focus, the caffeine has to be from natural, low dose sources. Energize uses a low dose of caffeine from green tea, which has been shown to enhance performance without the side effects of increased heart rate, gastrointestinal distress, insomnia, and jittery or anxious feelings.
Research has shown that low or very low caffeine doses can improve performance without undesirable side effects. Dr. Nima Alamdari Ph.D. and the Beachbody Director of Scientific Affairs, states that performance without unwanted side effects is one of the driving forces behind the Beachbody Performance line and it’s Energize Pre-Workout Drink.
The second ingredient from the list of Ingredients to look for in a Pre-Workout Drink is Beta Alanine. Beta Alanine is an amino acid that combines with another amino acid called Histidine to create a substance called Carnosine. This combination buffers against acid level  build up in the muscle. Carnosine is found in meat, but you would need to eat huge amounts of eat a ton of beef to get an enough to improve exercise performance. Consuming Beta Alanine over time, may increase muscle carnosine levels, which in turn can increase body’s lactic acid buffering capacity. When this happens it allows an increased period of exercise and greater high intensity exercise sustainability, which in turn can mean greater results.


The last ingredient is on the must list of ingredients to look for in a pre-workout drink is Quercetin. Quercetin in its purest form is a bright yellow color supplement and a potent phytonutrient that has shown to improve performance and decrease exercise-induced inflammation.  Again through human clinical trials Dr. Alamdari has found that this nutrient can also help reduce the effects of delayed onset muscle soreness [DOMS], and speed muscle strength recovery. In this study he also found that Quercetin showed in improvement of the VO2max (the maximum amount of oxygen one can use during aerobic exercise) over the placebo group.
When shopping for a pre-workout drink,  or any other supplements to help give you an edge on your results, you need to look at the entire Performance line. Energize and the other products in the Performance line are NSF Certified. This means its label claims of product contents have been verified and it has been screened for the major stimulants, narcotics, steroids, diuretics, and beta-2 agonists which are banned by most major athletic organizations. What does this mean for you? It means these products are safe, legal, and very clean.
Breaking News
Whether you are pumping iron and kicking butt in your living room, training for an Ironman Triathlon, or a professional athlete, you have found the highest quality products in the Beachbody Performance line. Knowing the Ingredients to Look for in a Pre-Workout supplement, and all of your other supplements, gives you the best chance for greatest results from your workouts.
Beachbody Performance

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Belly Fat Loss

This is a great article! Check it out for 4 tips for reducing belly fat!!74

Just an FYI… Everyone has some belly fat, even people who have flat abs. It is when we have too much belly fat that it has an effect on our health. When this is the case, it is time to say enough! It is time for Belly Fat Loss!
There are different kinds of fat. Some fat is right under your skin, and other fat is deeper inside, around your heart, lungs, liver, and other organs. The deeper fat is called “visceral” fat. This fat may be the bigger problem, even for thin people.
There are four key factors you need to take into consideration in Belly Fat Loss: exercise; diet; sleep; and stress management. If any of these four are out of balance you will gain weight. When your weight gets excessive, your body starts to store your fat in unusual places and deep around your Visceral Organs.


The most precise way to measure it, is to have a CT scan or MRI. This obviously will cost a ton of money so most people opt for a much simpler, low-cost method for monitoring belly fat. The tools most commonly used are measuring tape, body fat calipers, or body fat measurement machines. A measuring tape is the simplest do-it-yourself method. Body fat calipers and body fat weight machine with feet and handle sensors are somewhat more accurate. If using a machine make sure that you use a machine that has both hand and foot sensors for the most accurate results.


Let’s start with the least expensive method, a tape. This way you can get started on that Belly Fat Loss, and then look to do another measurement method later. Simply take a measuring tape, wrap it around your waist at your belly button, and check your girth. Do it while you’re standing up, and make sure the tape measure is level all the way around. Your waist size should be less than 35 inches if you’re a woman and less than 40 inches if you’re a man. If this is not the case you know things need to change.


  • Exercise: In combination with the other factors, vigorous exercise creates great belly fat loss, including visceral fat. Participating in 30 minutes of vigorous exercise at least six days a week will raise your heart rate and burn fat. Vigorous exercise includes running, plyometric and agility training, hiking up steep inclines, and other types of fast moving exercise and training. Of course you can always use Beachbody programs like P90X3, 21 Day Fix, Insanity Max30, and others that provide 30 minutes of vigorous training, which you can do in the comfort of your own home. Another great thing about Beachbody programs is that you can take them to the gym or outdoors by streaming those programs with the NEW Beachbody On-Demand.If you can only do moderate exercise, then you need 45-60 minutes, 6 days per week.
Just remember that once you get your fitness levels up, it is important to hit the vigorous exercises so you can torch visceral fat. Moderate exercise can include jogging, stair climbing at a moderate pace, and fast walking. You can also use Beachbody Programs like PiYo, P90, TurboJam, or TurboFire to start seeing results while doing moderate exercise. Plus these programs are always changing your workouts and how they are scheduled, which also helps with fat burn.
  • Nutrition: There is no magic diet for belly fat loss. Diets alone typically results in more muscle and water weight loss than fat loss. If you want your belly fat gone, you need to have proper nutrition. When you have balanced nutrition that encompasses clean whole foods, portion control, and proper caloric intake for your activity levels, the belly fat is usually the first to go, though this can vary with genetics. Most people struggle with balance since the media and society has skewed the view on what balanced real nutrition looks like. The best program to teach you all that is needed for proper nutrition is the Portion Fix Nutrition plan. This plan is the easiest to implement and use. You can get it on its own, or it comes with the 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, or Insanity Max30 Workout programs. 
Other aspects of nutrition that are key to belly fat loss are fiber and supplementation with a total nutrition supplement. 50% of Americans are nutrient and fiber deficient. It is nearly impossible with today’s food supply to get the fiber and total nutrients that we need on a daily basis. It also has been shown that people who have low nutrient and fiber levels have a tendency to store more visceral fat. If you are eating a clean nutrition plan with the proper servings of fruits and vegetables, plus supplementing with a total nutrition shake like Shakeology, you will be well on your way to having proper fiber and nutrient levels. Your body will thank you, and you will see belly fat loss.
  • Sleep : Getting the right amount of sleep is incredibly important for belly fat loss. Studies have shown that people who got 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night gained less visceral fat over 5 years versus those who got 5 or fewer hours of sleep per night. The same study showed those who slept longer than 8 hours, gained more belly fat. Sleep is your time to recover which is why you need the rest, but too much causes your body to be more sedentary. Again it’s all  about balance.
  • Stress: Everyone has stress. How you handle your stress is what really matters. If you don’t handle stress well, or you have too much stress, you will struggle with belly fat loss. The best way to combat stress is through exercise. Proper sleep also helps combat stress. Other things you can do to help combat stress are relaxing with friends and family, meditating, and counseling if stress levels become too much to handle. How you react to stressful situations can cause additional stress. So work on finding the balance in how you react to stress and how you cope with stress. Knowing your options for combating stress will also help create a healthier lifestyle and aid in making good choices.


Belly Fat Loss is possible and can be achieved with ease if you take the right steps. It won’t be immediate. Your Belly Fat Loss will happen if you stay consistent and remember that you didn’t put your belly fat on overnight, so it will take time to shed that weight. Now that you know what to do, start by setting goals, and begin your journey. If you need assistance or accountability be sure to seek out a coach who can help you achieve your belly fat loss.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Best Cardio DVD for Your Home Workout

2 years ago, I would spend 2 hours in the gym because I didn't know how to effectively DO cardio! DVD's changed everything for me because a) they are SHORTER!! and b) there are trained professionals that tell me exactly what to do so that I can get the most out of my workout!!74

Looking for the Best Cardio DVD for Your Home Workout? You have come to the right place. The Best Cardio DVD for Your Home Workout should include exercises and routines that really push your body to its maximum performance in short, super-powered bursts that have an after burn that melts the fat. They should also include nutritional plans and guidance, and be a balance of training in a proper progression that will take you to the next level and help alleviate any injury.
If your home cardio exercises are not picking you up anymore, you need to look at new programs. Your program should have you feeling exhausted yet exhilarated. You need to choose a program that challenges your energy and muscles. The Best Cardio DVD for Your Home Workout should include exercises that get your body moving and energized and fit easily into your overall fitness plan.


The Best Cardio DVD for Your Home Workout will bring you amazing variety. It will challenge all of your body’s systems to help with weight loss. A good cardio program will not only train your body, but also your mind. The best DVD will truly give your body a full workout by stretching your limits through a variety of exercises that confuse the body so it cannot fully adapt to the program. When this happens you will keep seeing results.  If you are currently using an at home cardio workout that doesn’t use this style of training and it is mainly relying on endurance, then your muscles and cardiovascular system will adapt and you will hit a plateau. Look at 21 Day Fix or 21 Day Fix Extreme and you will never plateau; plus they have the best and easiest to use nutrition plan.
Remember the Best Cardio DVD for Your Home Workout also works your mind, so it will be making you smarter at the same time. When you have a cardio workout combines many types of exercise this sends blood and hormones to your brain that may help boost your cognitive function in the short term, grow brain cells, and increase the size of your frontal lobe. Studies have shown that fat burning cardio workouts and exercises may boost performance on tests for several hours after the workout. Think about it… That cardio dance workout “CIZE It Up” not only teaches you some smart floor moves, but also keeps the smarts flowing throughout your daily life.


The Best Cardio DVD for Your Home Workout will also help relieve stress that often plagues modern life. It has been reported that men and women who use at home workout DVDs have less anxiety, depression, and lower levels of stress and anger, according to the ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine). These benefits are due to the fact that the programs have an effect on the brain and its neurotransmitters in much the same way as antidepressants.
Other benefits that can come from using the Best Cardio DVD for Your At Home Workout  are that rigorous cardio workouts will actually leave you feeling more energized, can help you be more productive, can help improve your mood, and of course improve your overall health.
Always remember that you need to PUSH PLAY on that Best Cardio DVD for Your At Home Workout. When you do, you will be lifted out of your low-energy blahs and be ready rock your life.
