Friday, October 16, 2015

Ingredients to Look for in a Pre-Workout Drink

It's a good thing I read this article before I just drank my pre-workout! Check it out!!74

It can be hard to get motivated to work out. We have all said this before… “I just don’t feel like it.” That’s where a Pre-Workout Drink can help, but finding the right one is important. The biggest question is the Ingredients to Look For in a Pre-Workout Drink.
Knowing the Ingredients to Look for in a Pre-Workout Drink will help you pick a pre-workout supplement correctly formulated to get you up and running, both literally and figuratively. You want just the right amount of lift to enhance performance and delay muscle fatigue, but not crash an hour after your workout.
Member Confession
Pre-Workout Drinks are intended for use within 30 minutes prior to exercise. The top Pre-Workout Drink Energize was designed with that time science and the best ingredients at its core. The three natural ingredients of this superior supplement are low dose caffeine, beta-alanine, and quercetin.


Definitely look for Caffeine on the list for ingredients in a pre-workout drink, but not just any caffeine at any dose. To enhance performance with improved reaction time, mental acuity, and focus, the caffeine has to be from natural, low dose sources. Energize uses a low dose of caffeine from green tea, which has been shown to enhance performance without the side effects of increased heart rate, gastrointestinal distress, insomnia, and jittery or anxious feelings.
Research has shown that low or very low caffeine doses can improve performance without undesirable side effects. Dr. Nima Alamdari Ph.D. and the Beachbody Director of Scientific Affairs, states that performance without unwanted side effects is one of the driving forces behind the Beachbody Performance line and it’s Energize Pre-Workout Drink.
The second ingredient from the list of Ingredients to look for in a Pre-Workout Drink is Beta Alanine. Beta Alanine is an amino acid that combines with another amino acid called Histidine to create a substance called Carnosine. This combination buffers against acid level  build up in the muscle. Carnosine is found in meat, but you would need to eat huge amounts of eat a ton of beef to get an enough to improve exercise performance. Consuming Beta Alanine over time, may increase muscle carnosine levels, which in turn can increase body’s lactic acid buffering capacity. When this happens it allows an increased period of exercise and greater high intensity exercise sustainability, which in turn can mean greater results.


The last ingredient is on the must list of ingredients to look for in a pre-workout drink is Quercetin. Quercetin in its purest form is a bright yellow color supplement and a potent phytonutrient that has shown to improve performance and decrease exercise-induced inflammation.  Again through human clinical trials Dr. Alamdari has found that this nutrient can also help reduce the effects of delayed onset muscle soreness [DOMS], and speed muscle strength recovery. In this study he also found that Quercetin showed in improvement of the VO2max (the maximum amount of oxygen one can use during aerobic exercise) over the placebo group.
When shopping for a pre-workout drink,  or any other supplements to help give you an edge on your results, you need to look at the entire Performance line. Energize and the other products in the Performance line are NSF Certified. This means its label claims of product contents have been verified and it has been screened for the major stimulants, narcotics, steroids, diuretics, and beta-2 agonists which are banned by most major athletic organizations. What does this mean for you? It means these products are safe, legal, and very clean.
Breaking News
Whether you are pumping iron and kicking butt in your living room, training for an Ironman Triathlon, or a professional athlete, you have found the highest quality products in the Beachbody Performance line. Knowing the Ingredients to Look for in a Pre-Workout supplement, and all of your other supplements, gives you the best chance for greatest results from your workouts.
Beachbody Performance

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Belly Fat Loss

This is a great article! Check it out for 4 tips for reducing belly fat!!74

Just an FYI… Everyone has some belly fat, even people who have flat abs. It is when we have too much belly fat that it has an effect on our health. When this is the case, it is time to say enough! It is time for Belly Fat Loss!
There are different kinds of fat. Some fat is right under your skin, and other fat is deeper inside, around your heart, lungs, liver, and other organs. The deeper fat is called “visceral” fat. This fat may be the bigger problem, even for thin people.
There are four key factors you need to take into consideration in Belly Fat Loss: exercise; diet; sleep; and stress management. If any of these four are out of balance you will gain weight. When your weight gets excessive, your body starts to store your fat in unusual places and deep around your Visceral Organs.


The most precise way to measure it, is to have a CT scan or MRI. This obviously will cost a ton of money so most people opt for a much simpler, low-cost method for monitoring belly fat. The tools most commonly used are measuring tape, body fat calipers, or body fat measurement machines. A measuring tape is the simplest do-it-yourself method. Body fat calipers and body fat weight machine with feet and handle sensors are somewhat more accurate. If using a machine make sure that you use a machine that has both hand and foot sensors for the most accurate results.


Let’s start with the least expensive method, a tape. This way you can get started on that Belly Fat Loss, and then look to do another measurement method later. Simply take a measuring tape, wrap it around your waist at your belly button, and check your girth. Do it while you’re standing up, and make sure the tape measure is level all the way around. Your waist size should be less than 35 inches if you’re a woman and less than 40 inches if you’re a man. If this is not the case you know things need to change.


  • Exercise: In combination with the other factors, vigorous exercise creates great belly fat loss, including visceral fat. Participating in 30 minutes of vigorous exercise at least six days a week will raise your heart rate and burn fat. Vigorous exercise includes running, plyometric and agility training, hiking up steep inclines, and other types of fast moving exercise and training. Of course you can always use Beachbody programs like P90X3, 21 Day Fix, Insanity Max30, and others that provide 30 minutes of vigorous training, which you can do in the comfort of your own home. Another great thing about Beachbody programs is that you can take them to the gym or outdoors by streaming those programs with the NEW Beachbody On-Demand.If you can only do moderate exercise, then you need 45-60 minutes, 6 days per week.
Just remember that once you get your fitness levels up, it is important to hit the vigorous exercises so you can torch visceral fat. Moderate exercise can include jogging, stair climbing at a moderate pace, and fast walking. You can also use Beachbody Programs like PiYo, P90, TurboJam, or TurboFire to start seeing results while doing moderate exercise. Plus these programs are always changing your workouts and how they are scheduled, which also helps with fat burn.
  • Nutrition: There is no magic diet for belly fat loss. Diets alone typically results in more muscle and water weight loss than fat loss. If you want your belly fat gone, you need to have proper nutrition. When you have balanced nutrition that encompasses clean whole foods, portion control, and proper caloric intake for your activity levels, the belly fat is usually the first to go, though this can vary with genetics. Most people struggle with balance since the media and society has skewed the view on what balanced real nutrition looks like. The best program to teach you all that is needed for proper nutrition is the Portion Fix Nutrition plan. This plan is the easiest to implement and use. You can get it on its own, or it comes with the 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, or Insanity Max30 Workout programs. 
Other aspects of nutrition that are key to belly fat loss are fiber and supplementation with a total nutrition supplement. 50% of Americans are nutrient and fiber deficient. It is nearly impossible with today’s food supply to get the fiber and total nutrients that we need on a daily basis. It also has been shown that people who have low nutrient and fiber levels have a tendency to store more visceral fat. If you are eating a clean nutrition plan with the proper servings of fruits and vegetables, plus supplementing with a total nutrition shake like Shakeology, you will be well on your way to having proper fiber and nutrient levels. Your body will thank you, and you will see belly fat loss.
  • Sleep : Getting the right amount of sleep is incredibly important for belly fat loss. Studies have shown that people who got 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night gained less visceral fat over 5 years versus those who got 5 or fewer hours of sleep per night. The same study showed those who slept longer than 8 hours, gained more belly fat. Sleep is your time to recover which is why you need the rest, but too much causes your body to be more sedentary. Again it’s all  about balance.
  • Stress: Everyone has stress. How you handle your stress is what really matters. If you don’t handle stress well, or you have too much stress, you will struggle with belly fat loss. The best way to combat stress is through exercise. Proper sleep also helps combat stress. Other things you can do to help combat stress are relaxing with friends and family, meditating, and counseling if stress levels become too much to handle. How you react to stressful situations can cause additional stress. So work on finding the balance in how you react to stress and how you cope with stress. Knowing your options for combating stress will also help create a healthier lifestyle and aid in making good choices.


Belly Fat Loss is possible and can be achieved with ease if you take the right steps. It won’t be immediate. Your Belly Fat Loss will happen if you stay consistent and remember that you didn’t put your belly fat on overnight, so it will take time to shed that weight. Now that you know what to do, start by setting goals, and begin your journey. If you need assistance or accountability be sure to seek out a coach who can help you achieve your belly fat loss.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Best Cardio DVD for Your Home Workout

2 years ago, I would spend 2 hours in the gym because I didn't know how to effectively DO cardio! DVD's changed everything for me because a) they are SHORTER!! and b) there are trained professionals that tell me exactly what to do so that I can get the most out of my workout!!74

Looking for the Best Cardio DVD for Your Home Workout? You have come to the right place. The Best Cardio DVD for Your Home Workout should include exercises and routines that really push your body to its maximum performance in short, super-powered bursts that have an after burn that melts the fat. They should also include nutritional plans and guidance, and be a balance of training in a proper progression that will take you to the next level and help alleviate any injury.
If your home cardio exercises are not picking you up anymore, you need to look at new programs. Your program should have you feeling exhausted yet exhilarated. You need to choose a program that challenges your energy and muscles. The Best Cardio DVD for Your Home Workout should include exercises that get your body moving and energized and fit easily into your overall fitness plan.


The Best Cardio DVD for Your Home Workout will bring you amazing variety. It will challenge all of your body’s systems to help with weight loss. A good cardio program will not only train your body, but also your mind. The best DVD will truly give your body a full workout by stretching your limits through a variety of exercises that confuse the body so it cannot fully adapt to the program. When this happens you will keep seeing results.  If you are currently using an at home cardio workout that doesn’t use this style of training and it is mainly relying on endurance, then your muscles and cardiovascular system will adapt and you will hit a plateau. Look at 21 Day Fix or 21 Day Fix Extreme and you will never plateau; plus they have the best and easiest to use nutrition plan.
Remember the Best Cardio DVD for Your Home Workout also works your mind, so it will be making you smarter at the same time. When you have a cardio workout combines many types of exercise this sends blood and hormones to your brain that may help boost your cognitive function in the short term, grow brain cells, and increase the size of your frontal lobe. Studies have shown that fat burning cardio workouts and exercises may boost performance on tests for several hours after the workout. Think about it… That cardio dance workout “CIZE It Up” not only teaches you some smart floor moves, but also keeps the smarts flowing throughout your daily life.


The Best Cardio DVD for Your Home Workout will also help relieve stress that often plagues modern life. It has been reported that men and women who use at home workout DVDs have less anxiety, depression, and lower levels of stress and anger, according to the ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine). These benefits are due to the fact that the programs have an effect on the brain and its neurotransmitters in much the same way as antidepressants.
Other benefits that can come from using the Best Cardio DVD for Your At Home Workout  are that rigorous cardio workouts will actually leave you feeling more energized, can help you be more productive, can help improve your mood, and of course improve your overall health.
Always remember that you need to PUSH PLAY on that Best Cardio DVD for Your At Home Workout. When you do, you will be lifted out of your low-energy blahs and be ready rock your life.


Thursday, September 24, 2015

What are the signs your workout program is working?

Check out the newest article in my blog - Signs your workout program is working! I can always tell based on the third sign!!
Check it out!!74
We know that when we exercise we perform everyday tasks better, our health is improved, and we feel better. So the question is, how do you know if your workout program is working for you? What are the Signs Your Workout Program is Working?
That is actually a funny subject. The Signs Your Workout Program is Working are actually opposite of our intended goals. The signs are soreness, feeling slow or even sluggish, and feeling hungry.  While these signs may seem like negatives, we actually want these signs. These are clear Signs Your Workout Program is Working.
So the key is to embrace programs that are designed to push you just enough to make you sore, sluggish,  sluggish, and hungry. Programs lacking this threesome don’t provide you an incentive to get in top shape. When you push your body above its normal output, even it is it barely there, and you keep it there over time, you will yield improvements.


Soreness is the first Sign Your Workout Program is Working. Soreness is the easiest symptom to understand. Most of us have been sore one time or another. Soreness happens when we do something physically that our bodies are not accustomed to doing. It can happen from doing yard work, to a pickup game of basketball, or spending hours at a theme park walking around. When you push your body beyond what you do in normal day-to-day activity, you can get sore.


Muscle soreness comes from the breakdown of fast-twitch muscle fibers. Our bodies have both slow-twitch and fast-twitch fibers. Slow-twitch fibers have a low recruitment factor. This means they get fired up during low outputs. Fast-twitch fibers have a high recruitment factor. This meaning it takes something more intense to get them going. An example would be when you pick up your water bottle to take a drink, this requires the use of the slow-twitch fibers. When you jump up out of your chair and run to the front door you involve fast-twitch fibers.
Fast-twitch fibers are repaired more slowly than slow-twitch fibers (i.e you don’t get tired from lifting your bottle of water, but you would get tired if you had to sprint to the door all the time).
Hypertrophy means muscle growth. Muscle growth is part of a well rounded and varied training program. The greatest change in the body involves body fat loss and muscular gains. The quickest way to lose body fat is to gain more muscle. To create hypertrophy, you need to overload your muscle fibers progressively to keep breaking them down. As you become healthier this threshold will change. When you utilize progressive weight or resistance programs, you will get sore. Programs that switch between muscle groups cause muscle confusion and avoid plateaus, so you keep making progress. The most comprehensive and well-designed programs that supply no shortage of muscle confusion and progressions are Beachbody Programs.


The second Sign Your Workout Program is Working is when you feel slow and sluggish. This is the hardest condition to conceptualize but the easiest to explain. Remember that hypertrophy means your muscles are growing. When your body is growing it has to adapt to the growth.
Just because a muscle is large does not mean it is strong. It takes training to create those gains in size and in strength. The best gains are realized from a combination of low repetitions, high repetitions, eccentric and isometric movements, as well as agility, cardio and plyometric movements. These all teach the muscles to operate at a higher efficiency.
When you use programs that mix the various exercise types, your muscles are learning and growing, which means you will experience times when you feel slow or sluggish. Typically you will experience slowness and sluggishness most in the first four weeks of the program,  the training phase. If you don’t feel these symptoms during this time, you are not pushing yourself hard enough and need to ramp up your training. This should be the same when you start a new program, or repeat a program. On the other hand, if the feelings of slowness or sluggishness persist beyond four weeks, you may be overdoing it and risk overtraining.  You must work to find a balance.


Hunger is final Sign that Your Workout is Working. Do you typically feel hungrier when starting a new program? Well, in some cases the reason can be somewhat obvious. If you are trying to lose weight and start a nutrition plan that is portion controlled and contains foods your body isn’t necessarily use to, it takes time to adapt, especially if you leaned toward a lot of high fat and sugary foods. The body will make you feel hungry as you are weaning yourself off these foods because it is craving them. No different than a drug addict wanting more drugs, the body for a time will crave the types of food you used to feed it.
You may also feel hungry even when your body has passed the cravings stage. This happens because the body needs nutrients to properly repair and grow. It is very difficult to provide through normal nutrition everything your body needs when you are under the type of duress a good progressive workout program creates. You can try, but you are not going to be able to feed your body what it needs through food without overeating. With overeating, you wouldn’t be able to put those calories to use, and some may get stored as fat.
The answer to the greater nutritional needs when you are working your body hard is supplements. When your body needs to be fed the appropriate nutrients, supplements should be your best friend. High quality supplements have very few calories and a lot of very well balanced nutrients, plus some supplements have targeted nutrients, which means they’re designed for nutrient efficiency.  The best solution is to utilize a nutrient dense total nutrition shake like Shakeology, and high quality performance nutritionals like the Beachbody Performance Nutrition Line. When you want above average results, you need above average supplements.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

My journey to Lasik - struggles before and opinions after surgery

I've worn glasses since grade school, I think some time around 3rd grade. When I turned 15, I got contacts! I love loved them. I tried fun colored ones, I fell in love with sunglasses, and felt great.
At some point in 2012, in my second year of law school, I started to get some weird symptoms. My eyes were extremely dry, and stung pretty bad. Thankfully, my husband had treated me to some fancy new Burberry glasses, so while studying for finals, I wore my glasses. When I tried to wear contacts during winter break, my eyes got SUPER bloodshot and swollen. You only get one set of eyes so I did not mess around. I went to the ophthalmologist right away and got prescription eye drops. After the script, I tried wearing contacts and could only wear them a few days before the symptoms returned. I tried the same pattern multiple times before, pretty soon, I couldn't even wear my contacts for an hour before they would be unbearable.
The ophthalmologist recommended we try hard contacts. I have an aunt that wears those, and while she seems to always puts drops in, she lives a very active life and seems to love them. I had heard that I would not be able to wear them while doing a lot of reading or computer work - pretty much all you do as an attorney, or Beachbody coach!! But I was willing to try them. I spent a year getting fitted for hard contacts and running tests. After finally finding a pair that fit in 2014, I purchased them. I was excited to be able to wear sunglasses again! But then I noticed, hard contacts are NEEDY and FINICKY! I couldn't rub my eyes at all, I couldn't wear them on the motorcycle, if they got too dry they would pop out, if I got ANY water in them they would HURT, I still couldn't wear them to read or do computer work for any length of time, and I was constantly putting artificial tears in.
I tried to wear them for special occasions but I found that I was just uncomfortable and always fussing with them.

I started seeing more and more of my friends RAVING about LASIK. I started some testing and before I knew it, I was in preop getting ready! Here are my thoughts so far:
The procedure was uncomfortable, but not unbearable. All pain was managed through a little ibprofen. The whole appointment, including preop and postop, was less than 2 hours. I needed to keep my eyes closed for 3 hours (without sleeping! That was hard haha). I was pretty uncomfortable for the first 4-5 hours. but by dinner I was eating with the family while sporting some very fancy (NOT!) sunglasses. I have to wear some plastic protectors over my eyes when I sleep so that I don't bump my eyes. I must say, between my mouth guard and these eye protectors, I am a hot mess!
My next day follow up went well. I was very impressed that when I showed some slight inflammation, the doctor added an extra follow up a few days later.
It appears as though I have a condition called Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. This seems to pretty common and may get worse after Lasik. Fortunately it seems manageable and temporary. With a small dose of a tetracycline, some Flax seed oil and some preservative free tears, I should be good to go in a few weeks!
As of right now, 5 days postop, I am registering at 20/20. My vision is a little cloudy when they feel dry, but it gets better with the tears. It is also a little "halo"ish at night, but all of these things will get better with time!

I am very excited about my progress and I will continue to eat clean, drink my Shakeology and take all of my medications. I need to make sure I am healthy, inside and out, to make sure I am healthy and able to heal!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Aerobic Exercise Workouts: Top Reasons to Do Them!

Have you seen what cardio can do for your health?? Lower cholesterol, fight off depression, increase stamina... check out my blog for more reasons reasons to do aerobic exercise!!74

Regardless of age, weight or athletic ability, Aerobic Exercise Workouts are good for you. Regular aerobic activity can help you live longer and healthier. Need motivation? See how aerobic exercise affects your heart, lungs and blood flow. Then get moving and start reaping the rewards.


During aerobic activity, you repeatedly move large muscle groups in your arms, legs and hips. When you do this you will breathe faster and more deeply. This maximizes the amount of oxygen in your blood. Your heart will beat faster, which increases blood flow to your muscles and back to your lungs. Small blood vessels (capillaries) also widen to deliver more oxygen to your muscles and carry away waste products, such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid. As this is all happening your body will begin to release endorphins, natural painkillers that promote and increase the sense of well-being. What are you waiting for, it is time to get moving!


Aerobic Exercise Workouts are needed by everybody. It may be a bit more difficult at first, but once you get going your body will adapt and you will get stronger and more fit.
Consider the following to see how Aerobic Exercise Workouts can help you feel better and enjoy life to the fullest.


  • Keep excess pounds at bay
  • Combined with a healthy nutrition plan, aerobic exercise helps you lose weight and keep it off.
  • Increase your stamina
  • Boost your mood
  • Aerobic exercise may make you tired in the short term, but over the long term, you’ll enjoy increased stamina and reduced fatigue.
  • Ward off viral illnesses
  • May activate your immune system. This may leave you less susceptible to minor viral illnesses, such as colds and flu.
  • Reduces the risk of many conditions, including obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, stroke, certain types of cancer, and more.
  • Boosts your high-density lipoprotein (HDL), the “good,” cholesterol, and lowers your low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the “bad,” cholesterol. This may result in less buildup of plaque in your arteries.
  • May help strengthen your heart, keep arteries clear, and control blood sugar. If you have coronary artery disease, aerobic exercise may help you manage your condition.
  • It can help ease the gloominess of depression, reduce the tension associated with anxiety, and promote relaxation.
  • Helps keep your muscles strong, which can help you maintain mobility as you get older.
  • Keeps your mind sharp.
  • Increase your longevity
Ready to get more active? How can you not be with all those benefits that Aerobic Exercise Workouts provide?
Start smart with small steps if you’ve been inactive for a long time or if you have a chronic health condition. When you’re ready to begin exercising, start slowly.  Walking in the morning and evening is a good way to begin. After a few weeks you can step it up to brisk walking or jogging. Those types of Aerobic Exercise have their benefits, but you also want to combine Aerobic Exercise Workouts that provide exercises that move you in multiple directions. This allows your heart rate to gradually increase while training your body to move in many directions. It also strengthens tissues around your joints, which gives them more stability.
Beachbody On-Demand offers a varied selection of Aerobic Exercise Workouts. What’s great about Beachbody On-Demand is there are programs for every fitness level and the programs progress properly. Gradual workout progression can keep you motivated, keep you from boredom, and help prevent injury.
So grab all the benefits of Aerobic Exercise Workouts with the best programs on the market through Beachbody On-Demand!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Creating a Plan for Weight Loss Success

I know getting started can be SO HARD!! Check out my blog for SIX suggestions Creating a Plan for Weight Loss Success. Be sure to check it out (Sample menu included!!)!74

Creating a Plan for Weight Loss Success doesn’t have to be difficult or hard. Even if you choose to implement just one or two suggestions as you get started, and then add more down the road you will be on your way to weight loss success. If you do this you will be Creating a Plan for Weight Loss Success and well on your way to a healthier lifestyle with positive changes.
Here are six suggestions for Creating a Plan for Weight Loss Success.


This is very important. This doesn’t mean just make a plan for just the next two or three meals. This means creating a one to two week meal plan that will keep you focused. Whether you plan for one or two weeks depends on how often you want to shop
Yes, planning is necessary! Most people who are lean, healthy, and athletic stick to a meal plan for 90% of their meals. Your meals should be balanced with lean proteins, whole foods, fruits, and vegetables. If you do this consistently the other 10% of the time you can cheat a bit.  You will be able to step off the plan and eat what you want for that day or meal.


Breakfast – 2 eggs, ¾ cup cooked steel-cut oatmeal, 1 small apple or a cup of berries.
Snack – Shakeology Total Nutrition Shake
Lunch – 4-6 oz of Grilled chicken or salmon, 1- 2 cups of asparagus with 1 tsp of lemon olive oil
Snack – 1 cup of raw vegetables and 2 tbsps of hummus
Dinner – 4-6 oz grilled steak, chicken or fish, ½ of a sweet potato or ½ cup cooked lentils, 1 cup of your favorite vegetables, and 1 cup of fruit for dessert or a snack later.

If you can keep a schedule similar to this, 90% of the time with the slight variations in your food choices, you will be on the road to success.
If you struggle with portion control and/or developing a meal plan then take a look at the Portion Fix Program from Beachbody. This program gives you an amazing meal plan with color coded containers of different sizes by food group so you always know you are getting the right foods in the right amounts.


Many people think supplementation means simply drinking a protein shake. That is actually farthest from the truth.  You could drink protein shakes until you are blue in the face and it will not benefit your body if you aren’t providing your body with total nutrition and if your body has nutrient deficiencies. Guess what? We all have nutrient deficiencies at times.
The most important factor to keep in mind when choosing a total nutrition shake is that the nutrients are provided by whole natural foods. Many shakes claim this, but it often is not the case. The cleanest and most nutrient dense shake that is highly recommended is Shakeology, with more than 70 healthy ingredients in one glass. Shakeology also helps build and repair muscles, reduces hunger and cravings, helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels, supports brain function and improves alert thinking, reduces anxiety, and promotes healthy skin, nails, and hair. The list of benefits goes on and on.


Choose an exercise program that you enjoy. The best part is you can make this happen at home and you do not need any big equipment, so there is no need to take an hour to drive to and from the gym,. Depending on what program you choose, you may only need you body weight, a resistance band or two, or  maybe a few dumbbells. Think about it! Get results with workouts that are only 25-40 minutes a day, you don’t have to drive anywhere, and use little to no equipment. Sounds like a dream come true, but it is actually reality. The best programs that fit into this category are Beachbody Programs. Check out the Challenge Packs that are offered for all fitness levels.
Make sure when you purchase your challenge pack that you enter the Beachbody Challenge, take before and after pictures, measurements, and weigh-ins because you can win daily, monthly, and quarterly CASH Prizes, plus have a chance win $100,000.  Oh, and you get a FREE T-Shirt when you finish the program, and a FREE Coach that can help you obtain your goals.


SMART Goals, are goals with a plan! Most of the time people just pick a goal, and then wonder why they failed.  Reason is…”A Goal without a Plan is just a Wish” – Larry Elder.  
You must sit down and write out a minimum of 3 goals using the SMART method and then make an action plan. SMART stands for S=Specific, M=Measurable, A=Attainable, R=Realistic, T=Time Accountable. If you are starting with a 21 day program or working on a program that you committed to for 90 days or more, you definitely can benefit from specific goals. Write down EXACTLY what you want to accomplish for the outcome goals (i.e. Outcome Goal = Lose 10 Pounds), and exactly what actions you have to take for the process goals (i.e. Process Goal = Exercise daily). To take it one step further you can make it into a contract with yourself as well.  Hang your written goals, process, and time destinations where you can read them every day as a reminder and motivator.


Winging it or going alone rarely works. Your best chance for success is when you follow a professionally designed, structured and proven workout and nutrition program, whether created by an experienced personal trainer and nutritionist or through a premium at-home program.
Support and accountability are keys to your success, and can come from different sources. Typical support comes from one or more of the following:
  • Nutrition buddy
  • Workout partner
  • Fat loss accountability buddies or group
  • Personal Fitness Coach
  • Personal Trainer
  • Nutritionist
Research has shown that having someone review what you are doing and staying in contact on a daily basis increases your chance of success. Another study found that when people are in an online accountability group or forum they were more likely to reach their goals in a shorter amount of time.  


You have what it takes to reach your goals. All of us will have struggles and failures, that’s just part of the journey.  The thing you need to keep in mind is that little setbacks and failures don’t mean you are not going to reach your goal,rather that you simply need to learn from that moment, evaluate what you have learned, and apply it to a new action so you won’t repeat what didn’t work. Exercise, like life, is about learning and growing.
Remember when you create and implement your own plan for Weight Loss Success to challenge yourself, and have fun. The results will come.


Monday, August 24, 2015


How Alcohol Can Ruin Your Health and Fitness Goals comes mostly when you over indulge, meaning more than 1-3 drinks per week, and consume mixed drinks. Mixed drinks are among the worst alcohol beverages you can drink because of the juices, sodas, and other sugary substances that make a mixed drink just that, a mixed drink. Then if consuming more than 1-3 drinks per week this can pack on a lot of calories and calories that your body has a more difficult time processing. When your body struggles with processing calories, they become sugars and can be stored as fat.


  1. Alcohol has more calories per gram than the macronutrients protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Therefore you are consuming less in quantity but far more calories.
  2. Decreases your Inhibitions which means your decision making is decreased and you are more likely to choose foods and other things that you would not normally choose.
  3. Alcohol can damage your liver, kidneys, and digestive system. All things we need running at their best to have a more balanced health.
  4. Alcohol lowers testosterone levels in both men and women. It is never good to have lowered hormone levels for any reason.
  5. Alcohol has been found to increase your appetite because it triggers the brain to send the signal that you are hungry. Again striking up the possibility for over indulgence of food.
It has been proven that the choice of alcohol and the amount drank will negate any efforts to lose body fat and will alter performance for the worst. The best advice would be to totally abstain to keep peak performance and hit your weight loss goals. Once your goals are obtained it would be highly recommended that you stick to the best choice which would be wine. Beer is okay, but if you consume more than 12 ounces 1-3 times per week it would be added to the How Alcohol Can Ruin Your Health and Fitness Goals list.


Click HERE to read the rest of the article, including what alcohol you can start to add back in once you have hit your goals! 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Daily Protein Requirements for Men and Women

Are you eating too much protein?? There are so many fad diets going around, including low carb/high protein. But did you know you can eat too much protein? Check out this article to see how too much protein can sabotage your weight loss.!74

Daily Protein Requirements for Men and Women

What are the Daily Protein Requirements for Men and Women? The average man in the United States consumes about 100 grams of protein per day, while the average woman takes in approximately 70 grams, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The amount of protein you need daily really is dependent on your gender and activity level, as well as your goals because this determines your total caloric intake which has an effect on the amount of protein you need to consume.

Daily Protein Requirements for Men and Women

The Institute of Health and Nutrition finding is that for general health, men should get around 56 grams of protein per day and that women should get around 46 grams. It is also important to know that the human body cannot properly utilize more than 20 grams of protein in one consumption. Therefore the grams should be spread out throughout the day in smaller doses. When consuming protein it needs to be of higher quality to ensure that you are getting the nine essential amino acids that are needed but your body cannot produce on its own. Meat, fish and poultry provide all of the amino acids, but if you are a vegetarian, you can combine foods, such as rice and beans, or whole-grain bread and peanut butter, to get a complete array of amino acids.Shakeology which is a total nutrition shake, will also provide all the nutrients you need from the protein to the amino acids. Including this shake in your daily nutrition will help you reach your protein needs without overloading the body with hard to digest animal proteins.
It is also recommended that 10 to 30 percent of your total calories comes from protein. This guideline is general and is dependent on goals. Example: 1,800 calories per day, 180 to 540 of those calories should be from protein. Each gram of protein is 4 calories. This would put your consumption at 45 to 135 grams of protein. This proves why it is dependent on gender, activity level, and personal goals.
Most People Get Too Much Protein
To avoid weight gain, water retention and extra wear and tear on your digestive system, do not take in more protein than recommended. Your body will only use the protein it needs and can process at one time. If you are consuming more than your body needs you will either store it as excess fat or eliminate it. Therefore consuming too much at one time is bad for your body and a waste of money.
Eating large amounts of meat and animal protein each day can be especially unhealthy and hard on the body. Animal products should be eaten in moderation. Plant-based proteins, such as beans, whole grains and legumes are choices that keep the protein levels where you want them and provide a lot of other nutrients. Of course eating a variety of protein sources ensures your body balanced nutrition with all the essential amino acids and prevents it from being bogged down when there is too much of one food item.
Best Result with Your Protein Consumption
Most people don’t realize this, but the muscle gains and recovery do not come from just protein. You need to have a balanced proportion of proteins with complex carbohydrates for your body to actually assimilate the protein for muscle gains and recovery. Therefore you need to consume protein in small amounts, keeping the total grams in one sitting to no more than 20, and include carbohydrates that will optimize protein utilization. This is why we mention plant-based protein sources, as they provide both protein and carbohydrates.
If you are looking at supplements for help getting good protein and carbohydrates you want to use something that is natural and does not have additives or artificial sugars and ingredients. Two of the best sources of high quality supplements are the superfood shake Shakeology, and Beachbody’s Recharge and Recover Protein from their Performance Nutrition Line. These products are clean, high quality protein sources that are perfectly balanced with carbohydrates for optimal assimilation of the protein and super nutrient dense carbohydrates to aid in the process of muscle gain and recovery. When you are providing your body the proper macronutrient quantities, you will get the greatest results. Too much or too little will keep you from having the gains and results you are looking to obtain.
With the knowledge of protein requirements and overall balanced nutrition, great things will happen for you.
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